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Hey!!! I'm an olympic gymnast and also a makeup enthusiast, You can follow my personal instagram account @VictoriaMoors and my other account @torimoorsmakeup

Saturday 13 December 2014

Lips like "SUGAR"

This may or may not be the most expensive lip chap/moisturizer you've ever had to purchase but it's probably one of the most proven lip products out on the market right now! "Sugar advanced therapy" uses all natural products from orange extract to plum seed oil to provide your lips with full moisture. Also, make sure you apply it about half an hour before you do your makeup/lipstick because it will plump up your lips! Ever since i got "sugar" from Sephora I have had zero problems with my lips drying out…and I'm sure 95% of people that buy any lip chap end up loosing it! Make sure you don't lose this one, it's a keeper!


  1. I've heard rave reviews about this, I just refuse to spend so much on it! Lol. Especially when you can make you can make a sugar exfoliant scrub with essential oils at home. Plus, I'm not a huge fan of the feeling you get from plumping products. Feels like I'm getting an allergic reaction or something. I love to use a diy sugar scrub followed by a bit of Argan oil for hydration, and burts bees original mint.

  2. You are SO GOOD at doing lip make up and I'm a total beginner at it and can't seem to not make myself look like a clown when I do it. Any chance of some lip make up tutorials? xo.
